The oil company Burneftegaz Ltd. – one of the most dynamically developing Russian oil and gas companies, established in May 2005. The principal activities of the Company are exploration and production of oil and gas, hydrocarbon refining to produce a wide range of commodity petrochemical products.
The company acts on the territory of the Russian Federation, the main resource base of the company are the Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug – Yugra and the Tyumen region.
In accordance with the purpose of creation, the company realizes the following main activities:
– oil and gas and by-products procurement;
– geological and geophysical studies in the license areas with a view to the identify the objects and fields of
raw hydrocarbon deposits;
– operation and development of oil and gas fields;
– infrastructure development of oil and gas fields;
– realization of drilling and repair works on the wells;
– external economic activity.
In March 2014 the group of companies "Bashneft" has acquired 100% of “Burneftegas” company’s share. The transaction was approved by the Federal Antimonopoly service (link to the news).
JSOC "Bashneft" is a fast-growth vertically integrated oil company, based on the largest companies of Fuel & Energy Complex of the Republic of Bashkortostan. The company is in the 10 top enterprises in Russia in terms of oil production and in the 5 top- for refining.
The products of the enterprises of JSOC "Bashneft" is being realized in Russia and exported to the countries of Eastern and Western Europe, Kazakhstan, Middle Asia.
Information on licenses for subsoil use in subsidiaries Burneftegaz Ltd:
Sorovskneft Ltd.
License KhMN 14537 HP dated July 30th , 2008 with the target purpose: geological examination, exploration and production of hydrocarbon deposits within the Vostochno- Vuemskii (East- Vuemskii) subsoil area.
License KhMN 02613 ВЭ dated February 10th , 2012 with the target purpose: geological exploration and extraction of fresh groundwater for drinking and process water supply within the Vostochno- Vuemskii license area.
License TYuM 01464 VP dated March 21st , 2012 with the target purpose: geological examination, prospecting and evaluation of industrial facilities objects used for drinking and process water supply in the Uvat district of the Tyumen region 2 km. far from Mugen settlement.
License KhMN 02701 ВЭ dated October 31st , 2012 with the target purpose: exploration and extraction of groundwater for industrial use within the Vostochno- Vuemskii subsoil area.
Tortasinkneft Ltd.
License KhMN HP 14950 dated June 22nd , 2010 with the purpose: geological study , exploration and development of hydrocarbon deposits within Tortasinskii subsoil area.
License KhMN 15056 NP dated December 10th , 2010 with the target purpose: geological exploration aimed to search for and evaluate the hydrocarbon deposits within Severo- Ityahskii 3 subsoil area.
License KhMN 02698 NP dated October 29th , 2012 with the target purpose:geological exploration to aimed to search for and evaluate the hydrocarbon deposits within the Vostochno – Unlorskii subsoil area.
Relationship in terms of the development of oil and gas fields:
KCA DEUTAG Russia Gmbh. Ltd;
Scientific and research innovation center of oil-and-gas technologies Ltd;
Siberian research-and-development center Ltd;
V.I.Shpilman research and analytical Centre for the rational use of the subsoil;
Services Oil Company Ltd;
Geoseis Ltd;
Tyumenneftegeophisika OJSC;
Kalinka-Stroy Ltd;
Reservoir geology Ltd;
Pravdinskaya Geological Prospecting Expedition Ltd;
NK Krasnoleninskneftegas Ltd;
Tyumen Services Geophysical Surveying Company Ltd;
SMU-17 Ltd;